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How does our pricing work?

The main factors that influence the price of your car insurance quote

Joey M avatar
Written by Joey M
Updated over 8 months ago

With Cuvva, the price you pay is unique to you. We take lots of things into account when pricing up your quote, but the factors that make the biggest difference are:

Your age and driving history: Your age and how long you've been driving can make a big difference to your price, including previous accidents or claims. Older, more experienced drivers, or those with a clean driving history, tend to receive lower quotes.

The vehicle: The value, age, and insurance group your vehicle falls into all affect how much you pay. Cars in lower insurance groups are usually cheaper to insure, because they may be cheaper or easier to repair.

Location: Your location may affect your price because of factors like congestion, crime statistics, and local claims data for that area.

Time of day: The time you purchase your policy can sometimes affect your price, particularly during typical commuting hours when the roads are busier and the likelihood of an accident is higher.

It only takes a few minutes to get a quote via the app.

Happy driving! πŸš—

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