You can get car insurance on a vehicle with private number plates, even if you've only just changed them over.
Once you’ve registered your new plates with the DVLA, it usually takes a few weeks for them to update their systems with your new plates.
But we can usually update your plates on our system, so that you can still get insured with us while you’re waiting for that to happen.
Chat to our customer support team to add your new number plate
To add your new number plate to our system, just contact our customer support team in the app.
They’ll ask for:
Your old registration
Your new registration
A picture of both pages of your updated V5C or the certificate (eV948) attached to the DVLA confirmation email
It’s not a guarantee
Most of the time, we can add your new plates to the system and get you on the road in minutes.
But sometimes, we can run into errors with our vehicle data provider which stop us from being able to make the change straight away. This doesn’t happen often, though.
Get in touch before you buy your insurance
When you buy a short term insurance policy, we can't change anything on your policy documents. So changing your number plate could invalidate your policy - even if it’s the same vehicle.
So make sure you change your registration plates before you get insurance with us, or once your policy has finished.
Happy driving! 🚗